As women, we are given many roles- that of a nurturer, a help meet, an educator, a relationship manager, and so many more. More than all of these, we are called to be powerful voices in service to the Lord, and we stand on the shoulders of giants that have gone before us, the greats, the same greats that Paul saluted, Phoebe, Eunice, Lois, Priscilla, Susanna, Joanna, not to mention The Tower-The woman from Magdala. The lists are undoubtedly exhaustive.
We are armed with testimonies of women in the apostolic heritage, we are equipped to minister and impact lives of people around us, and most importantly, we are bridging the gaps between Heaven and Earth with our spirit of intercession…We are the Ladies Ministries in India. A nation that is known for its resplendent beauty, veritable treasure trove of natural resources, gastronomic delights, a culture that is ubiquitous, yet unique, the women in ministry in this nation serve the Lord despite all of these diversities, mindful of what the LORD is doing in these times.
Dr. Sandhya Ruban Hobday serves as national president. She is a dental surgeon by training, a biblical storyteller by calling, a passionate student of Hebrew, a motivational speaker, preacher and teacher. Two things fuel her call- the pursuit of excellence in all that is done and the love for the women of this nation. Sandhya speaks 7 languages very fluently and can get work done in India. Sandhya holds many positions internationally, serves as the editor of the E-News for the Network of Biblical storytellers, is on the committee for eastern religions as a contributor, is a internationally renowned workshop leader in stories of trauma inflicted to women in the Bible and is an ecumenical speaker across all denominations. The Shema Israel is core to her being and she loves authentic south Indian food. She is the help meet to her husband, Pastor Ruban Hobday and together they work for national causes and shepherd the local church in Chennai, which is one of the flagship churches of the UPC in India. She has two lovely daughters… her oldest is Samara, 18 and her youngest is Ziona, 10.
Sis Jolly Mathew serves efficiently as secretary of the Ladies Ministry in India. Jolly comes from a long line of apostolic stalwarts, with her father, Elder V.P. Mathew, serving as superintendent of the Indian unit for almost 4 long terms. Hailing from the picturesque state of Kerala, Sis Jolly is an educator with a Masters degree in teaching and Mathematics. Her strong math skills are of great use to our ministry. She has been licensed in the UPC since 2002 and is married to a wonderful pastor, Pastor Roy Joseph and they have a very vibrant daughter, Helja Nevila Joseph.